Friday, July 25, 2008

The special "Kiss" that can change your life

It was a special kiss that woke Sleeping Beauty from a deep slumber. I would like to share with you that special KISS that can make a real difference to your life.

K is for Knowledge. Knowledge is power. It determines your ability to contribute and participate. Infact it is your knowledge that defines your personality to a large extent.

I stands for Independence. Independent living, independent thinking, independent decisions, independent at work.

S stands for Solution driven. Do not focus on the problem, understand it and focus on the solution. It is the quest for solutions that drives you forward in life.

S stands for Superlative. Yes you need to strive to be the best. You need to master your skills and work towards being the best. You should be able to offer the best in what ever you undertake.

It is a combination of the above principles that contributes towards your success.

George Abraham

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.