Saturday, July 28, 2007

Head On Action

India has signed the UN Convention on Rights for Persons with Disability. No one seems to have a clue on when India will ratify it. The convention will become effective only if at least 20 countries ratify it. As of today only Jamaica and Hungary have ratified the convention.

I believe that the convention will move forward in India only if the disabled people of the country get down to action. The disabled people need to get organised put pressure on the Govt. to ratify the convention in the first place and then to implement it. Else the convention will meet with the samd fate that the Persons With Disability has met with.

We must remember that there are millions of disabled people living in the martgins in India. I think there is an urgency to move forward. Every minute is critical for the millions. The leaders in the disability sector need to come together and wage a Nation wide campaign. For the Govt, disability is just another issue.

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